Active member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences, professor
Date of birth: | 02 May 1935 |
Place of Birth: | Geranboy District, Azerbaijan Republic |
Scientific degree: | Doctor of Technical Sciences |
Title: | Professor, academician |
Total number of scientific publications: | 587 |
Number of scientific publications printed abroad: | 383 |
Number of patents: | 109 |
Staff training: | 37 Ph.D and 12 Doctors |
Place of work: | Institute of Control Systems |
Position: | Head of departament #1 “Identification methods and control systems” |
Service tel.: | (+994 12) 5394384 |
Fax: | (+994 12) 5392826 |
E-mail: | [email protected] |
№ | Last name, First name, Patronymic | Thesis title | Specialty code and name | Date of defence |
1 | Kolesnikov Anatoly Ivanovich | Multichannel measuring systems with a combination of coding with statistical processing | 05.11.16 – Information and measuring systems | 05.11.1986 ASOA TN No 097879 08.11.1987 |
2 | Aliyev Mirza Balayar | Control of the technological process of regulating the properties of drilling fluids in order to reduce the cost of their chemical treatment | 05.15.10 - Drilling of oil and gas wells | Oil Institute (Grozny) 02.11.1988 |
3 | Koryakovtseva Irina Andreyevna | Mathematical modeling and optimization of the separation process in the production of styrene | 05.17.08- Processes and instruments of chemical technology | Institute of Petrochemical Processes of ANAS 27.06.1988 |
4 | Mamedov Namig Aliasker | ACS of interconnected continuous and continuously discrete technological processes (using the example of the concrete products plant) | 05.13.06 – Automated control systems | 02.07.1988 |
5 | Kadimov Rauf Mustafa | Multichannel measuring systems of synchronous transformation, compression and transmission of non-continuous signals with automatic determination of the sampling interval (DST) | 05.11.16 – Information and measuring systems | ASOA 14.06.1989 KD No 008875 21.ХI.89. |
6 | Musaeva Naila Fuad | Algorithms and APP for corrections of estimates of statistical characteristics and mathematical models of statics of technological processes and their implementation in ACS TP | 05.13.07 – Automatization of technological processes and productions | IC ANAS 20.0I.1990 KD No 022006 19.09.90. |
7 | Avanesyan Garri Romanovich | Automated systems for detection of diseased limb vessels and interpretation of rheovasographic data | 05.13.05 – Elements and devices of computer engineering and control systems | 18.05.1990 |
8 | Gadirov Namig Aladdin | Intellectualization of systems of control and management of ceramic production | 05.13.01 – Control in technical systems | IC ANAS 24.12.1991 KD No 051250 22.0I.92. |
9 | Aliyev Azer Shohraddin | Automated management of production, consisting of a set of deterministic stochastic and hard-to-formalize processes | 05.13.01 – Control in technical systems | IC ANAS 24.06.1992 KD No 065186 22.08.93 |
10 | Salimov Elshan Gocha | Automated control system for porcelain production | 05.13.06 – Automated control systems | ASOA 1992 |
11 | Ismayilov Shamsi Dayandur | Devices for determining the state of objects, combining the processes of transformation and processing of information | 05.13.05 – Elements and devices of computer engineering and control systems | ASOA 30.06.1992 KD No 069705 13.11.92 |
12 | Mirzoyev Talib Mammad | Hardware methods and algorithms for diagnosing the state of equipment for slow-flowing continuous technological processes | 05.13.01 – Control in technical systems | IC ANAS 22.12.1992 KD No 072463 22.03.93 |
13 | Ibragimov Nazim Safarali | Algorithms and APP for filtering and compression of measuring information of technological parameters and their implementation in the MP systems of control and management in the production of building materials | 05.13.01 – Control in technical systems | IC ANAS 22.12.1992 KD No 072461 22.01.93 |
14 | Gurbanova Nazaket Shamsi | Computer identification of symbols of Arabic script | 05.13.14 – Information processing and management systems | IC ANAS 22.04.1994 EN No 0223 27.07.94 |
15 | Aliguliyev Rasim Magomed | Development of methods for designing a multiprocessor packet switching center with adaptive routing | 05.13.14 – Information processing and management systems | IC ANAS 11.05.1995 EN No 0535 14.07.95 |
16 | Najafov Javanshir Jahangir | The integrated-interactive subsystem of supraconductivity of thin-walled body parts | 05.13.14 – Information processing and management systems | IC ANAS 26.05.1995 EN No 0706 |
17 | Ismiyev Reshad Elshad | Modeling of magnetic elements of automation of electrotechnical objects on the basis of numerical-topological methods | 05.09.05 – Theoretical electrical engineering | Energy Institute 15.05.1996 EN No 0897 12.07.96 |
18 | Issa Abdul Hakim | İntelligent system of organization and management of product quality in the building materials industry | 05.13.07 - Automatization of technological processes and productions | IC ANAS 28.12.2000 ЕN No 02303 03.03.2001 |
19 | Alizada Tahir Ali | Algorithms for improving the robustness of spectral analysis of measurement information | 05.13.16 – Application of computer technology, mathematical modeling and mathematical methods in scientific research | IC ANAS 29.06.01 EN No 02438 07.Х1.01 |
20 | Amirov Zakir Azhdar | Algorithms for choosing regularization parameters and creating computational technologies for solving identification problems | 05.13.16 – Application of computer technology, mathematical modeling and mathematical methods in scientific research | IC ANAS 29.01.02 EN No 02607 07.Х1.01 |
21 | Tairov Tair Sabir | Mathematical modeling of the dynamics of underground pipelines and offshore oilfield structures under seismic forces | 05.13.16 – Application of computer technology, mathematical modeling and mathematical methods in scientific research | IC ANAS 25.10.02 EN No 02905 11.07.03 |
22 | Hasanov Agayar Agahan | Algorithms and software for numerical solutions to nonsmooth problems | 05.13.16 – Application of computer technology, mathematical modeling and mathematical methods in scientific research | IC ANAS 29.11.02 |
23 | Huseynov Nuran Nariman | Research and development of skin-sensor converters for input, editing and search of online information in interactive mode | 05.13.14 – Information processing and management systems | IC ANAS 13.12.02 EN No 028839 10.06.03 |
24 | Mamedova Ulviya Muzaffar | Position-selective sampling and filtering of noisy signals | 05.13.18 – Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software complexes | IC ANAS 03.12.04 EN No 03607 24.05.05 |
25 | Aliev Elmar Rashid | Algorithms for improving the effectiveness of control by analyzing noise as a carrier of useful information | 05.13.18 – Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software complexes | IC ANAS 14.01.05 |
26 | Agamaliyeva Jeyran Agamali | Hybrid information technology for recognizing changes in the technological state of aviation gas turbine engines | 05.13.18 – Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software complexes | IC ANAS 06.05.05 EN No 03799 08.11.05 |
27 | Hajiyev Zaur Aziz | Intelligent system of surgical intervention in orthopedics | 05.13.01 – System analysis, management and processing of information | IC ANAS 10.06.05 EN No 04302 14.06.05 |
28 | Mukhtarov Teymur Murad | Development of unified algorithms and software for managing physical devices that support the interface | 05.13.01 – System analysis, management and processing of information | IC ANAS 30.09.05 |
29 | Abdullayev Vugar Hajimahmud | Vibrodiagnostic system for monitoring and controlling the quality of induction motors in mass production | 05.13.07 – Automatization of technological processes and productions | IC ANAS 28.10.05 EN No 04351 07.02.07 |
30 | Mamedzade Rufat Aliaga | Mathematical modeling of fluid filtration in viscoelastic media and problems of identification of hydrodynamic parameters of reservoirs | 05.13.18 – Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software complexes | IC ANAS 29.09.06 EN No |
31 | Guliyeva Sevinj Yunis | Modeling the process of fatigue failure, taking into account the influence of loading history | 05.13.18 – Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software complexes | IC ANAS 23.06.06 EN No 04345 30.01.07 |
32 | Abdullayev Said Mehdi | Development of a geodata information-inquiry system based on GIS-intranet applications for efcient interpretation of remote zoning data | 05.07.12 – Remote aerospace research | ANAA 25.06.08 FD No 06114 23.02.09 |
33 | Kazi-zade Aydin Kazim | Intelligent information system for recognition and identification of patterns and ornaments of Azerbaijani hand-made carpets | 05.13.01 – System analysis, management and processing of information | IC ANAS 05.12.08 EN No 05717 05.05.09 |
34 | Guluyev Gambar Agaverdi | The system of noise monitoring of the latent period of the technical condition of compressor stations | 05.13.01 – System analysis, management and processing of information | IC ANAS 20.11.09 FD No 06302 16.06.2010 |
35 | Rajabov Mir-Mammad Faig | Development of algorithms for increasing the efficiency of solving the inverse measurement problem | 05.13.06 - Automation and management of processes and productions | IC ANAS 15.01.2010 |
36 | Pashayev Farhad Heydar | Development of algorithms and software for analyzing seismic- acoustic signals at the mouth of suspended wells | 05.13.01 – System analysis, management and processing of information | IC ANAS 03.12.10 FD No 06302 |
37 | Rzayeva Narmin Eldar | The system for monitoring the functionig of the heart using robust noise analysis of its sounds | 1203.01 – Computer sciences | ICS ANAS 16.06.2017 |