Active member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences, professor

Date of birth: 02 May 1935
Place of Birth: Geranboy District, Azerbaijan Republic 
Scientific degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences 
Title: Professor, academician
Total number of scientific publications: 587
Number of scientific publications printed abroad: 383
Number of patents: 109
Staff training: 37 Ph.D and 12 Doctors
Place of work: Institute of Control Systems
Position: Head of departament #1 “Identification methods and control systems”
Service tel.: (+994 12) 5394384
Fax: (+994 12) 5392826
E-mail: [email protected]

Seminar at Qafqaz University

19.04.2012 / Conferences, assemblies2830

Seminar "Technologies and theory of robust noise monitoring of the latent period of failures" was held by Academician Telman Aliev, Director of the Cybernetics Institute of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences at Qafqaz University.