The meeting devoted to the annual report of the institutes of the Physics, Mathematics and Engineering Department of ANAS for 2018 took place at the Institute of Information Technologies on 26 December 2018.
Director of the Institute of Control Systems Acad. Telman Aliev presented the report on activity of the Institute, saying that 9 scientific research works on 17 topics had been carried out at the institute in 2018. 1 thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science and 7 PhD theses were defended during the reporting year.
T. Aliev noted that 375 scientific works were published by the Institute’s employees in 2018, 156 of them abroad, 68 in impact factor journals, and 194 references were made to them. According to the academician, the Institute took the 3rd place in ANAS for scientific works published in the Web of Science database.