Active member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences, professor

Date of birth: 02 May 1935
Place of Birth: Geranboy District, Azerbaijan Republic 
Scientific degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences 
Title: Professor, academician
Total number of scientific publications: 587
Number of scientific publications printed abroad: 383
Number of patents: 109
Staff training: 37 Ph.D and 12 Doctors
Place of work: Institute of Control Systems
Position: Head of departament #1 “Identification methods and control systems”
Service tel.: (+994 12) 5394384
Fax: (+994 12) 5392826
E-mail: [email protected]

A reporting meeting of the territorial organization of the NAP was held at the Institute of Control Systems

08.12.2021 / Conferences, assemblies1043

A meeting of the territorial organization of the New Azerbaijan Party (NAP) was held at the Institute of Control Systems (ICS) on December 7, 2021. The event, held in a hybrid format, was attended by the administration of the institute, the Chair of the Yasamal regional organization of NAP Bakhtiyar Nabiev, Chief Adviser Elnara Mustafayeva and the NAP members of the institute.

Opening the meeting, General Director of ICS academician Ali Abbasov greeted the participants of the event and spoke about the significance of the activities of the territorial organizations of the party and the issues arising from the speech of Ilham Aliyev at the VII Congress of the New Azerbaijan Party, held on March 5.

Speaking about the negative events that took place in the country in the early 1990s, A. Abbasov noted that the country was suffering from a severe economic, political and spiritual crisis. He noted that it was at that time that the intelligentsia, thinking about the fate of Azerbaijan, came up with an initiative to create a new party capable of taking the country out of this difficult situation and rallied around the personality of the national leader Heydar Aliyev. Pointing out that the inauguration conference of the NAP was held on November 21, 1992, A. Abbasov said that at the conference, along with the decision to create the party, a program and charter were adopted, stressed that the unanimous election of national leader Heydar Aliyev as chairman of the party was a turning point in the future life of our people.

A. Abbasov once again brought to the attention of the NAP members a short history of the success achieved as a result of the purposeful policy pursued by the great leader in the socio-political, economic and cultural development of the country.

A. Abbasov noted that in the time of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev at the helm of the independent Azerbaijani state, including the NAP, comprehensive development had been achieved, leading to a significant increase in the power and authority of our country in the international arena. He noted that under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, the country had achieved economic, military, political and diplomatic successes, which became the main and crucial factors of our victory in the Second Karabakh War. Over the forty-four days of the Second Karabakh War, the President with great skill conveyed in interviews with various TV channels, news agencies of the world to the world community the historical reality of Azerbaijan, the essence of its just struggle for its ancestral lands, and achieved great success in the information war. A. Abbasov also stressed the contribution of the First Vice President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, First Deputy Chair of the NAP Mehriban Aliyeva to the development of Azerbaijan in various areas, noted the successful representation of the country in the international arena thanks to projects carried out under her leadership and on her initiative.

In conclusion, A. Abbasov especially emphasized the role of young personnel and the territorial organization of NAP in the scientific and technical research carried out at the institute.

Then the floor was given to the chair of the territorial organization of the NAP of the Institute of Control Systems Zulala Jabiyeva, who presented the report.

Z. Jabiyeva pointed out that the NAP, established by the great leader Heydar Aliyev, from the day of its foundation, had been focusing its activities on the strengthening and empowerment of the Azerbaijani state. She spoke in detail about the political events that had taken place in the 1990s, about the establishment of the New Azerbaijan Party, which became an important event in the life of the people, about the directions of its development.

Z. Jabiyeva stressed that the development of science is one of the components of state policy in Azerbaijan. In this regard, she noted that the ICS employees, fulfilling their civic duty, with high activity, confidence and perseverance, work in the ranks of the party founded by the National Leader Heydar Aliyev. Noting that studies of ICS scientists are being published in the most prestigious scientific journals of the leading countries of the world, Z. Jabiyeva spoke about the work carried out in the reporting years.

Then, speaking about the objectives set at the VII Congress of NAP, the Executive Director of ICS, Corresponding Member of ANAS Aminaga Sadigov brought to the attention of the participants the practical measures taken in this area. He evaluated the event highly, stressing that the participation of the Chair of the Yasamal regional organization of NAP Bakhtiyar Nabiyev in it was a sign of great respect for the employees of the institute and the party members.

Speaking about the invaluable merits of the national leader Heydar Aliyev in strengthening the independence of Azerbaijan, the all-round development of the country, A. Sadigov pointed out that after the great leader had been elected President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 3, 1993, a new stage of development began in the life of the party. In accordance with the new conditions, the status of the party changed, its position in the political life of the country strengthened, it demonstrated high activity in all areas of public life. A. Sadigov stressed that at present, under the chairmanship of President Ilham Aliyev, the party had made important decisions covering various areas.

Touching upon the development of technologies in the modern period, the importance of the introduction of automated control systems, A. Sadigov spoke about the tasks facing the ICS in these areas, the development of scientific and theoretical foundations and cooperation with the relevant government agencies.

Then the ANAS advisor, academician Telman Aliev spoke about the history of the NAP, in particular about the processes that had taken place in the 1990s, the difficult socio-political conditions, about the establishment of the party under the leadership of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev during that period, the fateful decisions made by him, and important events in the life of the country.

T. Aliev spoke in detail about the important work carried out by ANAS, including the ICS, in the development of Azerbaijani science in the modern period, about the achievements obtained in the field of control systems.

Then the Chair of the Yasamal regional organization of the New Azerbaijan Party Bakhtiyar Nabiyev spoke, positively assessing the 5-year report presented by the Institute of Control Systems.

B. Nabiyev spoke about the glorious life path and invaluable merits of the national leader of the Azerbaijani people, Heydar Aliyev, who devoted his life to strengthening the state independence, building the army, and improving the welfare of the population. He pointed that the great leader's period at the helm of Azerbaijan is one of the most glorious pages in the centuries-old history of statehood. It is thanks to the hard work and determination of the national leader that a new, modern Azerbaijani state was created, which took its rightful place in the world arena.

Recalling that last year the Azerbaijani army under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev had liberated the ancient lands of Azerbaijan from enemy occupation, B. Nabiyev stressed that the foundation of this victory had been laid by a purposeful policy pursued by the genius of Heydar Aliyev.

B. Nabiyev stressed that under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, a policy is being pursued that serves the national interests and the expansion of the country's economic development, including the development of the non-oil sector and all areas of activity, the creation of a progressive social infrastructure.

Then, following the agenda, elections were held for the positions of chair and deputy chair of the territorial organization of the NAP ICS. As a result of the elections held by open voting, Zulala Jabiyeva was elected Chair, and Aygun Aliyeva, PhD (Economics), Head of the Public Relations Department was elected Deputy Chair.

In conclusion, academician Ali Abbasov once again drew the audience's attention to the opinions expressed, giving a high appraisal to the role of the New Azerbaijan Party in the development of the country, thanked the Yasamal regional organization of YAP and the institute employees for participating in the event.