Active member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences, professor

Date of birth: 02 May 1935
Place of Birth: Geranboy District, Azerbaijan Republic 
Scientific degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences 
Title: Professor, academician
Total number of scientific publications: 587
Number of scientific publications printed abroad: 383
Number of patents: 109
Staff training: 37 Ph.D and 12 Doctors
Place of work: Institute of Control Systems
Position: Head of departament #1 “Identification methods and control systems”
Service tel.: (+994 12) 5394384
Fax: (+994 12) 5392826
E-mail: [email protected]

A general scientific seminar of the Institute of Control Systems was held

09.06.2022 / Conferences, assemblies1704
A general scientific seminar of the Institute of Control Systems of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (ANAS) was held on June 8, 2022. The event was attended by the administration of the institute, scientists and specialists, and young researchers.
Opening the seminar, General Director of the Institute, Academician Ali Abbasov touched upon the problems arising in the organization of various activities because of the quarantine regime during the pandemic and spoke about the importance of holding regular scientific seminars in the post-pandemic period, when restrictions have been lifted. The academician stressed the importance of scientific seminars traditionally held at the ICS in terms of fundamental research on relevant topics, the application of the scientific results obtained in various areas, and the development of science in the relevant fields.
Saying that the application of information technologies in medicine is currently of an interdisciplinary nature, the scientist told about the objectives facing the scientists and specialists of the Institute in solving the existing problems in this area. Talking about contribution of Academician Telman Aliev, Advisor of ANAS, in the development of medical informatics in Azerbaijan and important scientific achievements, A.Abbasov stressed the necessity for involvement of young personnel in this field for the continuation of the scientific school.
Then Prof. Rovshan Guliyev, chairman of the seminar, said that such seminars are important from the viewpoint of bringing scientific projects and scientific innovations implemented in Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), including ICS, to the public and attracting highly qualified personnel to research.
Head of the Laboratory of Intelligent Information Processing Systems, Accos.Prof. Gulchin Abdullayeva, PhD in Mathematics, made a presentation on "Application of Information Technologies in Medicine". The scientist stressed that at present application of information technologies in many fields of activity, including medicine, allows obtaining scientific achievements and optimization of data. Thus, to manage information resources and solve complex problems, it is necessary to take steps to improve new search systems and create information systems.
Saying that further development of various fields of medicine is linked with new capabilities of computer research systems, G. Abdullayeva noted that the paradigm of clinical and laboratory data processing is one of the main issues in modern medical informatics. Speaking about formal description, which is one of the difficult issues in creating a medical diagnostic system, she discussed the detection of symptoms and syndromes in the course of the disease. The scientist said that the main purpose of the research is to draw the attention of doctors to the process of development of formations that can occur during asymptomatic periods.
G. Abdullayeva spoke in detail about such areas as consultative intelligent system of surgical intervention in orthopedics, differential diagnosis of poisoning with toxic substances in comatose state, recognition of complex images based on ultrasound examination, intelligent information system ensuring environmental safety of Jeyranbatan reservoir, reference points in agent-based architecture for recognition of sign language and others.
The speaker then answered questions from the participants and there was extensive discussion around the topic. Professors Abbas Rzayev, Allahverdi Hasanov, Doctor of Engineering Fakhrad Pashayev, Doctor of Engineering Gambar Guluyev, Doctor of Mathematics Ilgar Mammadov, Associate Professor Abulfat Fatullayev and Dr. Rahila Sadigova took part in the discussion.
Then Aminaga Sadigov, Executive Director of ICS, Corresponding Member of ANAS, noted the importance of the seminar in terms of identifying priority areas of research in the application of modern technologies in medicine, the study of international experience in the field. The scientist spoke about the upcoming tasks to highlight the research carried out at the ICS in this field and to create effective ties of cooperation. A. Sadigov also stressed the importance of attracting highly qualified scientific potential of the Institute to interdisciplinary research in the relevant field.
Advisor of ANAS Academician Telman Aliyev, Corresponding Member of ANAS Kamil Aydazade, Professor Abbas Rzayev and Doctor of Engineering Professor Rovshan Guliyev voiced their ideas and suggestions on the subject.
Academician Ali Abbasov's speech concluded the seminar. He highly appraised scientific activity of the outstanding scientist Gulchin Abdullayeva aimed at fundamental research, creation of innovative systems and training of young personnel. The academician touched upon the importance of scientific research presented at the seminar in terms of application of advanced technologies and elimination of existing problems in the healthcare system, and voiced recommendations on new research topics in this area.