Active member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences, professor

Date of birth: 02 May 1935
Place of Birth: Geranboy District, Azerbaijan Republic 
Scientific degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences 
Title: Professor, academician
Total number of scientific publications: 587
Number of scientific publications printed abroad: 383
Number of patents: 109
Staff training: 37 Ph.D and 12 Doctors
Place of work: Institute of Control Systems
Position: Head of departament #1 “Identification methods and control systems”
Service tel.: (+994 12) 5394384
Fax: (+994 12) 5392826
E-mail: [email protected]

TECIS 2018

16.09.2018 / Conferences, assemblies3032

18th IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability (TECIS 2018) took place in Baku on 13-15 September 2018.
The aim of the conference organized by the International Federation of Automatic Control, one of the most prestigious organizations of the world in the field of automatic control, and the Azerbaijan Robotics and Automation Society (ARAS) was to bring together researchers and practitioners from industry and academia to give an overview of the state of the art, to present new research results and to exchange ideas and experiences in the fields of technology and international stability.
The scope of the conference covered a wide variety of fields and topics that express the connection between automatic control and various fields of life, such as techniques, economics, medicine, social life and politics: “Automation and Control in Oil and Gas Industry”, “Enterprise Integration and Networking, Software”, “Cost Oriented Automation (COA)”, “Social Networks”, “Technology in Post-conflict Regions”, “Innovation Management”. “Decision Support Systems for SMEs”, “Intelligent Systems and Applications”, “Tele-medical Systems”, “Cross-cultural Aspects of Engineering (TRIZ theory, etc.)”, and many others.
Employees of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Institute of Control Systems of ANAS, representatives of the Baku Higher School of Oil, the University of the ADA, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Education, as well as representatives of Austrian NGOs and higher educational institutions took part in the event.
On September 13, at the opening day of the conference, the director of the Institute of Control Systems, Academician Telman Aliyev, delivered a speech at the plenary session on “Noise control of the beginning of accidents in automatic control systems” The presentation of this important work was a great success with the audience. As well as for active participation in the work of the conference, Academician T. Aliyev was awarded a grant of honor.