Today is the 87th birthday of prominent scientist, Doctor of Engineering, Academician Telman Aliev.
Telman Abbas oglu Aliev was born on May 2, 1935 in Goranboy District in a family of intellectuals. Having received higher education at the Azizbekov Industrial Institute of Azerbaijan (now the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University), T. Aliyev worked as a technician, engineer, chief engineer at the Computation Center (now the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS) by assignment. In 1988-2020 he worked as the director of the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS.
In 1966, T. Aliev defended his candidate's thesis under the supervision of Prof. V.V. Solodovnikov, Head of Department at Bauman Moscow State Technical University, and in 1977, defended his doctoral thesis in "Technical Cybernetics and Information Theory". In 1985, he was awarded the academic title of professor. In 1983, the outstanding scientist was elected a Corresponding Member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, and in 2001 he was elected a Full Member.
Т. Aliev has been engaged in research activities in many fields of science, he was the founder of the "Electronic Computing Machines" laboratory, which played a crucial role in the development of informatics in Azerbaijan in 1958-1960, and headed this laboratory until 1976. He was a board member of the USSR Society of Informatics and Computing Technology, and a member of the Expert Council on Informatics, Computing Technology and Cybernetics. Academician Aliev authored a number of fundamental works at the intersection of cybernetics, computer science and physics.
In 1994 Academician Aliev was included in the list of UNESCO's experts in informatics. In 2004 he was awarded the Order of Glory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in 2009 he was awarded the title of "Honored Scientist", in 2015 he was awarded the N. Tusi Prize, and in 2018 he was awarded the International Silver Medal named after Academician Azad Mirzajanzade.
In recent years, under the scientist's guidance, a new-generation "robust noise" monitoring and control system, which provides remote diagnostics and control of downhole oil production equipment and significantly increases its profitability, has been implemented at 300 facilities of the Bibi-Heybat Oil and Gas Production Facility.
The outstanding scientist T. Aliev published 586 scientific works, about 400 of them abroad, including those in the journals indexed in the Web of Science, as well as monographs "Robust Technology with Analysis of Interference in Signal Processing", "Digital Noise Monitoring of Defect Origin" and "Noise Control of the Beginning and Development Dynamics of Accidents" published by Springer. T. Aliev is the author of about 30 monographs and 109 patents, including 30 Eurasian patents. He has supervised the dissertations of 37 Candidates and 12 Doctors of Science.
On behalf of all employees of the Institute we cordially congratulate the outstanding scientist Telman Aliev on his birthday and wish him good health and new achievements!