Active member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences, professor

Date of birth: 02 May 1935
Place of Birth: Geranboy District, Azerbaijan Republic 
Scientific degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences 
Title: Professor, academician
Total number of scientific publications: 587
Number of scientific publications printed abroad: 383
Number of patents: 109
Staff training: 37 Ph.D and 12 Doctors
Place of work: Institute of Control Systems
Position: Head of departament #1 “Identification methods and control systems”
Service tel.: (+994 12) 5394384
Fax: (+994 12) 5392826
E-mail: [email protected]

An event dedicated to the 99th birthday of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev was held

10.05.2022 / Conferences, assemblies1439

An event dedicated to the 99th birthday of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev was held at the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS on May 10, 2022. The event was attended by the administration of the institute, heads of laboratories and departments, and other employees of the institute.
Opening the event, General Director of ICS, Academician Ali Abbasov said that May 10, 1923 is the birthday of Heydar Aliyev, architect and builder of the modern Azerbaijani state, national leader, whose contribution to the independence and progress is invaluable. The academician pointed out that the main goal of the great leader's meaningful life was rooted in his love for his homeland, people, strengthening Azerbaijan's state independence, development of the country and improving the people's prosperity. Heydar Aliyev's period of leadership in Azerbaijan is one of the most glorious pages of the centuries-old history of our statehood. It is thanks to the hard work and determination of the national leader that a new, modern Azerbaijani state was established and has taken its rightful place in the world.
Saying that the life path of Heydar Aliyev, who devotedly served his nation all his life, is an example for every Azerbaijani. Ali Abbasov spoke about different stages of life and political activity of the national leader. He mentioned that after Heydar Aliyev had been elected First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan at the Plenum of July 1969 radical changes took place in the country. Due to the great leader's wisdom, rich statehood experience, unwavering determination, in the 1970s-80s Azerbaijan became one of the leading states in the region, and the groundwork was laid for transition from an agrarian to an industrial country.
Describing in detail the 1980s and 1990s, one of the most difficult periods in the history of Azerbaijani statehood, the academician spoke about external and internal pressure of that time and Heydar Aliyev's internal struggle for Azerbaijan's independence and people's welfare. He said that despite various obstacles and pressures Heydar Aliyev's main goal had always been welfare, independence of the Azerbaijani people. The great leader's resolute struggle resulted in actions for the independence and revival of the country, and decisions made as a result of his far-sighted policy are written with golden letters in the history of Azerbaijani statehood.
А. Abbasov said that one of the issues of greatest importance to the great leader was the restoration of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity. Heydar Aliyev made fateful decisions in this direction, took successful steps in the diplomatic sphere to restore the country's lost positions, paid special attention to building the army. The great leader also cherished the memory of our compatriots who had given their lives for the territorial integrity and cared tirelessly about the population that had suffered as a result of the war. The academician noted that this very important concern of Heydar Aliyev had been resolved as a result of the Second Karabakh War under the leadership of Ilham Aliyev, a worthy successor of the political course of the great leader, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. As a result of the 44-day war, started under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief on 27 September 2020 in response to the enemy's provocation, the ancient and eternal lands of Azerbaijan were liberated from the occupation. A. Abbasov recalled that restoration and reconstruction works are currently being carried out in the liberated territories on the basis of modern development trends on the instructions of the head of state.
At the end of his speech Ali Abbasov emphasized once again that the foundation of strength and dynamic development of the Republic of Azerbaijan in modern period is related exactly to the state policy of Heydar Aliyev's ingenious personality. He honored memory of genius leader, immortal personality Heydar Aliyev, who lived for his people till the end of his days.
Then Advisor of ANAS, Academician Telman Aliev spoke about Heydar Aliyev's great care and attention to development of information technologies, scientific and educational institutions in Azerbaijan and shared his memories of him. In his reminiscences about Heydar Aliyev, who was distinguished for his high will, far-sighted policy not only in Azerbaijan, but in the USSR as a whole, T. Aliev spoke in detail about the great leader's respect for scientists, their social and economic support.
Talking of the socioeconomic and cultural development of Azerbaijan under Heydar Aliyev's leadership, he said this period was characterized with creation of strong industrial potential and rapid development in all spheres. Under leadership of Heydar Aliyev rapid development of communications, IT, space research and other areas started in the country, foundations were laid in the capital and different regions for production unions, scientific research enterprises, new kinds of science-intensive innovative products and services were introduced. As a result of the national leader's high statehood policy, high-tech science-intensive industry developed in all regions of the country.
T. Aliev spoke about special attention and care shown by the head of the state to the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, higher educational institutions, development of young personnel in the development of science and education. The academician said that the reforms carried out in ANAS in that period had played a special role in the development of innovations in the country. Saying that Heydar Aliyev showed special support to research carried out in ANAS, high development tendencies, the academician stressed that it was in this period that the foundation of Azerbaijani science was laid, meeting modern standards of technological development. Emphasizing that the period of Heydar Aliyev's leadership in Azerbaijan is the most important event in the determination of the people's destiny, the scientist said that the memory of this great man is cherished and honored in heart of every Azerbaijani who deeply loves their motherland.
Then, Chairperson of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of ICS Lamiya Najafova spoke about the great leader's contribution to the development of science, raising the youth as worthy citizens. She pointed out that the great leader, who had carried out systematic reforms in various areas of socio-political and cultural life, had always paid special attention to the role of youth in all these processes. L. Najafova said that the implementation of the state program for increasing activity of youth in public and political life, prioritizing young specialists in the government agencies is a successful result of the youth policy established by the national leader Heydar Aliyev.
Correspondent Member of ANAS Kamil Aydazade, Professor Knyaz Mammadov, Doctor of Mathematics Ilgar Mammadov, Associate Professor Rena Asadova and Chair of the NAP territorial organization in ICS Zulala Jabiyeva shared their memories of the national leader Heydar Aliyev's rich political activity.
At the end of the event, a video clip dedicated to the great leader's blessed memory was demonstrated.