AMEA-nın həqiqi üzvü, texnika elmləri doktoru, professor

Doğum tarixi: 2 may 1935
Doğum yeri: AR Goranboy rayonu
Elmi dərəcəsi Texnika elmləri doktoru
Elmi rütbəsi: Professor, akademik
Elmi əsərlərin ümumi sayı: 587
Xaricdə çıxmış elmi əsərlərin sayı: 383
Patentlərin sayı: 109
Kadr hazırlığı: 37 f.d. və 12 e.d.
İş yeri: İdarəetmə
Sistemləri İnstitutu
Vəzifəsi: AMEA-nın müşaviri
Xidməti tel.: (+994 12) 5394384
Faks: (+994 12) 5392826
E-poçt: [email protected]

Noise monitoring of accidents

Kitabın adı: Qəzaların Noise monitorinqi (Noise monitoring of accidents)
Kitabın dili: İngilis dili
Müəllif: Telman Əliyev
Nəşriyyat: Scholar's Press
Səhifə sayı: 360
Nəşr ili: 2016


Kitab haqqında:
We demonstrate that noises form in the beginning of the latent period of objects’ transition into an emergency state, causing continuous changes in the statistical characteristics of the technological parameters. The theoretical foundations of analysis of noise as a carrier of diagnostic information have been proposed, and the algorithms for forming the correlation matrices of technological parameters equivalent to the matrices of their useful signals have been developed. We also propose the theoretical foundations of solving the problems of monitoring and identification of the latent period of changes in the technical condition of industrial facilities. Various intelligent robust systems of noise monitoring of the beginning of accidents at the facilities and objects of industries and fields, such as oil and gas extraction, construction, energy development, transport, seismology, aviation, medicine, etc. have been designed, built and put into operation. The proposed technologies can also become widely used for solving numerous problems of recognition, identification, modeling and control in various areas of science, technology and engineering.

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